Breaking Down the Content Silos- Avid and Adobe Integration

    By |2020-12-10T21:56:09-06:00December 4th, 2020|Categories: Industry News|Tags: , |

    Avid and Adobe Integration with Avid Editorial Management and Avid Nexis Coke or Pepsi. Mac or PC. Red or Blue (or in this case Purple). Closed off from one another in silos, or islands. Binary. This is the kind of language many editors, producers, and post-production personnel might normally associate (or even say out loud) about [...]

      30 Years of Avid Media Composer

      By |2020-12-04T15:18:59-06:00September 26th, 2019|Categories: Industry News, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

      TM Television’s Partnership with Avid It has been a 30-year journey in digital video for Avid since it first released Media Composer in 1989, and TM Television has been with Avid for 20 of those years. As Avid has grown and expanded into new areas, so has TM Television. Our client base now includes broadcasters and [...]

        A Content Everywhere Game Plan – MAM Satisfaction Research

        By |2018-03-15T14:34:28-05:00July 28th, 2015|Categories: Case Studies, White Papers|Tags: , , , , , , |

        Summary Research Methodology Avid commissioned Ovum to develop and conduct a top-level sentiment and viewpoint survey of media and production asset management (MAM & PAM) technologies. Ovum interviewed 125 senior management executives across 21 countries to assess the adoption and relative satisfaction related to the technology, revenue leakage, pain points, core deployment objectives, ROI perception, and [...]

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