Vantage Options

Extend your workflow

Open Workflows

Vantage Open Workflows enhance the processing speed of Vantage workflows by enabling most Actions to begin processing before the previous Action has completed. Specifically, Open Workflows are designed to remove the inherent latency that exists between actions within a Vantage workflow. By reducing the latency between actions within a workflow, more jobs can be submitted to the domain in the same period of time, thus providing greater utilization of Vantage nodes.

Download the Product Sheet: Vantage Open Workflows
Download the Solution Brief: Vantage Open Workflows


Vantage Reporting & Analytics

The Vantage Reporting and Analytics option is an immensely valuable compliment to a Vantage system that allows domain administrators and users the ability to gather performance and utilization data for Vantage domains and workflows.

Download the Reporting and Analytics Solution Brief


Task Based Load Balancing

Vantage Task Based load balancing is Vantage’s most advanced load balancing capability and augments the existing Vantage Session Based load balancing and the Cost Based load balancing. Task Based load balancing ensures that all Vantage servers remain fully utilized maximizing server efficiency and increases the workflow throughput. Task Based load balancing also helps avoid the situation where some Vantage servers are over utilized and others are under-utilized. Session Based and Cost Based load balancing maximize Action processing within a Vantage service while Task Based load balancing provides balancing all Actions across all services across all servers in a Vantage domain.

  • Ensures that all Vantage servers remain fully utilized
  • Increases workflow throughput while reducing delays
  • Maximizes server efficiency
  • Helps avoid the situation where some Vantage servers are over utilized and others are under utilized

Download the Product Sheet: Vantage Advanced Task Scheduling
Download the Solution Brief: Vantage Advanced Task Scheduling


Timed Text Flip for Vantage

Timed Text Flip is an automated subtitle and captioning service that runs on the Vantage Media Processing Platform, providing a unique interface to read, write, and adjust subtitle and caption data. → Learn More

  • Timed Text Flip is an optional module that can be accessed through the Vantage Workflow Designer. The UI is designed to be user-friendly and will be familiar to Vantage users.
  • Converts subtitle files and caption data into burn-in subtitle graphics for use with Vantage transcoding.
  • Timed Text Flip has the ability to extract caption data from a variety of media files with embedded captions. This includes caption data that has multiple languages.
  • Set a font style and color for subtitle overlay burn-in outputs.
  • Set a caption files to a new starting timecode to match input or output media files.
  • Time stretch caption data to correct sync issues.
  • Convert caption data frame rate to match video frame rate conversions.
  • Same as source caption data insertion into media files such as MOV, MPEG-2, and MXF.

Download the Product Sheet: Vantage Timed Text Flip


Secured Version Control

The Secured Version Control feature provides the ability to install the latest software – and begin building Workflows that utilize new ComponentPac libraries (software libraries), while keeping the existing Workflows untouched and operating off a previous version of a ComponentPac. When, and if, it is desired to upgrade a Workflow or Action within a Workflow, it can be done at a convenient time.

Download the Solution Brief: Secured Version Control


Adobe integration with Vantage

The Vantage Panel for Adobe® Premiere® Pro CC is an add-on panel that can be added to the Premiere Pro UI to send a project directly to Vantage from within the Premiere Pro application. The Vantage panel allows you to: submit a sequence, clip, or timeline directly to a Vantage system…plus much more.

Faster Workflows with Vantage Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro (5-min)
Download the Solution Sheet: Vantage Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro CC


Camera Ingest

Automatically ingest and stitch shots from camera media, saving editing time and speeding production.

  • Read shots from card readers or from shared storage
  • Transcode and prepare camera footage for editing automatically
  • Optionally stitch all clips on a camera – save time for B-roll footage or rushes
  • Optionally time-align clips with time of day – streamline multi-camera shoots

Download the Product Sheet: Vantage Camera Ingest
Download the Vantage Camera Ingest Solution Brief 
Download the Application Note: Vantage Camera Ingest


Automated Quality Control (QC)

  • Full integration QC options for Telestream’s own VidChecker options, plus Interra Baton, Nexidia QC, Digimetrics Aurora, and Venera Pulsar 3rd-party options
  • Telestream VidChecker QC includes a free Vantage VidChecker Connector license
  • Fully automated QC can be performed within any Vantage workflow
  • QC driven decisions allows for quality problems to be identified and dealt with quickly thus saving time and money
  • Generate QC reports in PDF or XML

Download the VidChecker QC Products Brochure
Download the QC Integration Partners Product Sheet 
(introduces and describes each Vantage QC Partner)

Download the VidChecker Application Note
Download the Baton Application Note
Download the Aurora Application Note
Download the Venera Pulsar Application Note


Minnetonka AudioTools

The Vantage AudioTools Connector integrates within Vantage’s file-based framework using AudioTools Server to support fundamental loudness control workflows and custom, predefined workflows for broadcasters. AudioTools Server (ATS) is a highly configurable and modular system and the Connector allows Vantage to drive audio processing workflows and jobs directly from the Vantage workflow designer.

Download the Minnetonka AudioTools Solution Brief



  • UDP-based acceleration up-to 10Gbps provides fast file transfers times faster than FTP and HTTP
  • 256-bit encryption using industry-standards: SSL for control channel and AES for data

Download the FileCatalyst Application Note



  • Enables 3rd party systems to access and control Vantage workflows through a web services interface
  • Allows REST, SOAP (WSDL) and WCF integrations with Vantage
  • The SDK package includes overview, documentation and programming samples

Social Media Connector

Vantage Social removes organizational and technology barriers for marketing professionals, automating the publishing of video and metadata to multiple social media accounts. It simultaneously publishes edited and branded clips with targeted messaging to many popular social media end points. Unlike alternative video solutions that require detailed knowledge workers, marketing professionals and others using video in social media can do it themselves. Supported end-points include: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Vimeo.

Download the Product Sheet: Vantage Social
Download the Vantage Social Media Connector Application Note


Vantage Bridge to Telestream Cloud

The Vantage Bridge to Telestream Cloud connects Vantage workflows and Telestream Cloud Transcode Factories, adding scalable cloud transcoding capacity to Vantage enterprise systems. The Bridge to Telestream Cloud is an action that can be added to any workflow, and will submit jobs to the Telestream Cloud and report real-time status in the Vantage status management dashboard. Fully integrated hybrid systems add the benefits of cloud ncomputing to new and existing Vantage enterprise systems, within unified, fully managed Vantage domains.

Download the Vantage Bridge to Telestream Cloud Product Sheet


Comprimato JPEG2000

Comprimato is a unique JPEG2000 encoder and decoder component option now being offered for Vantage systems operating on Lightspeed server hardware. Specifically the Comprimato JPEG2000 component accelerates decoding and encoding of JPEG2000 based video. To achieve this acceleration the Comprimato components utilize the power of a Lightspeed GPU.

Download the Comprimato JPEG200 Solution Brief


Avid Integration

Vantage includes a deep integration for Avid systems enabling significant gains in productivity for every type of Avid user, from small production houses to large broadcasters producing national news programs. These dramatic productivity gains are made possible by making file-based import and export processes faster, more automated, and less reliant on operator action.

Learn more

Download the Avid Integration Guide
Download the Product Sheet: Avid Support in Vantage


Aspera integration with Vantage

Aspera Enterprise Server integration

  • Enables Vantage to interactively browse, upload, and download media content with any Aspera server endpoint, whether that is a fully featured Enterprise Server system or a Point-to-Point node.
  • Allows for automated high-speed transfer of files processed into and out of any Vantage workflow.

Download the Aspera Enterprise Application Note


faspex™ delivery connector

  • Automated deliver of media and associated files directly to Aspera faspex™ Servers
  • Aspera  fasp™ transport technology can achieve delivery speeds many times faster than standard  FTP and HTTP
  • Select from an address list or Aspera dropbox

Download the Aspera Faspex Application Note
Download Solution Brief: Vantage Integration with Aspera FASP
Download Solution Brief: Real Time Editing Over Unmanaged Internet with Vantage & Telestream Lightspeed Live Capture & Aspera Integration
Telestream Open Workflow and Aspera FASPStream Integration
Real-time Remote Production over Commodity Internet (Webinar with Aspera)


Dolby DP600

  • Direct control of the Dolby DP600 Program Optimizer from Vantage.
  • Submit work orders to DP600 profiles from within a Vantage workflow, use DP600 output files in subsequent workflow steps and monitor work order status from within Vantage.
  • Allows audio Encoding , Decoding and Cross-Conversion of DolbyE, Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital Plus as well as other audio formats.
  • Performs Downmixing, Upmixing and Automated Loudness and Metadata correction.

Screen MediaMate

  • Screen MediaMate software for subtitle and captioning workflows is integrated directly into Vantage.
  • Insert VANC subtitles into MXF or DVB subtitles into Transport Streams.
  • Extract Teletext or 608 caption data from media files.
  • Convert between subtitle file formats.
  • Generate file formats for Web captioning such as SMPTE 2052, WebVTT or iTunes Timed Text.

Download the Screen MediaMate Application Note


Signiant delivery

  • Signiant transfer technology increases bandwidth efficiency for moving very large files over existing networks
  • Faster than standard FTP and HTTP, while delivering end-to-end security, reliability and bandwidth control
  • Supports multiple Signiant server locations

 Download the Installing and Using Signiant with Vantage Application Note


Nexidia QC

Full integration allows for automated closed caption and video description verification, closed caption alignment, and language verification within any Vantage workflow.

  • Language Verification—Check any track for one of 11 languages
  • Caption Verification—Check for missing or incorrect captions, and check for out of sync shift and frame-rate conversion drift.
  • Caption Alignment—Align out of sync captions and output the re-timed caption file.
  • Video Description Verification—Check for adequate presence of video description on a secondary track or separate media file.

Download the Nexidia QC Application Note


Transcode and Transcode Pro

Cinnafilm Tachyon and Dark Energy

  • World class Standards Conversion, Video Correction and Noise Reduction integrated directly into Vantage Transcode and Transcode Pro.
  • Runs on the Telestream Lightspeed server using GPU acceleration.

Download the Cinnafilm Solution Brief
Download the Tachyon VPL Application Note


NexGuard (formerly Civolution NexGuard)

  • Vantage integration with NexGuard Pre-Release forensic watermarking
  • Deterrent against content piracy
  • Adds traceable watermarking into outgoing content

 Download the Installing and Using NexGuard with Vantage Application Note


Teletrax Watermarking

  • Vantage can be used with the Teletrax system to automate several key parts of the Teletrax workflow
  • Enter descriptive metadata for an asset
  • Add a watermark to an asset as part of a Transcode process
  • Submit metadata about the watermarked asset to the Teletrax system, so that information about the asset will be logged

 Download the Teletrax Watermarking in Vantage Application Note


All Vantage Transcode Products

Dolby E audio processing

  • Provides direct, single-step Dolby E processing which saves time, effort and money
  • Optimizes distribution of surround and multichannel audio within existing two-channel broadcast and post-production infrastructures
  • Accepts, transcodes and passes through Dolby E embedded source media files
  • Automatically decodes and re-encodes Dolby E audio to an extensive range of audio formats and wrappers for distribution to broadband, mobile, VOD and other distribution platforms
  • Provides direct pass-through of clean Dolby E embedded audio files to all the leading video servers and editing systems, without degradation of source files
  • Please contact Telestream directly for specific format support

TM Television is an authorized reseller for Telestream’s Vantage Platform. If your organization is interested in exploring the benefits of Vantage, please contact us today at